Genieo fills the void left by Google Reader !

Genieo fills the void left by Google Reader !

Genieo fills the void left by Google Reader!

The concept of an RSS feed is not lost on those in the high-tech industry. For starters, this type of software allows a user to manually subscribe to feeds from websites. These include entertainment feeds, sports feeds, newsfeeds and the like. However, the drawback of using RSS readers and particular RSS feeds is that they require a lot of work. Users have to manually subscribe and unsubscribe from them in order to stay up-to-date. As is so often the case, user tastes and preferences change, resulting in the RSS feed becoming redundant
Google Reader enjoyed moderate levels of popularity in recent times; however declining user interest will see Google Reader being shelved on the 1st July 2013. The reasons for this are twofold: Google is downsizing and usage of Google Reader has tapered off dramatically. Users of the software will be able to export their Reader data through Google Takeout. This leaves a rather large void in the market for users looking for an intelligent and autonomous way to subscribe to information that is relevant to them. The problem with conventional RSS reader/RSS feed software is that it needs to be managed. This is a time consuming, and inefficient means of tailoring content to personal expectations.

One such solution to this dilemma is Genieo. This groundbreaking innovation makes it possible for users to enjoy completely personalized content, based on very specific browsing habits, tastes and preferences. Genieo does not require users to manually update any information – it is a self-functioning, secure and intuitive software platform. It is free to download and install, and has proven itself to provide a newspaper style homepage to users, regardless of their web browser or operating system.

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