Let all the information you personally care about - come to you.

Your Personal Magazine

Genieo automatically designs and generates your own personal online magazine.
  • Easy to use – Simply download and run Genieo startpage.
  • RSS feed – Get the top news headlines from your favorite news
  • Filter interesting posts from your Facebook and Twitter friends
  • Monitor sites you visited and track items you’ll find interesting
  • Get notification on live events such as football match scores etc.
  • Stay posted with your loved ones’ Birthdays and special days.
  • Access your personal newspaper anywhere with your iPad, iPhone, Android or with any of your favorite RSS reader

What Makes Genieo Startpage so Productive?

The Genieo startpage is your personal newspaper to tailored content from all your favourite news sites, blogs, social media sites and more. With Startpage, you get the latest news headlines direct to your browser on startup. You don’t need to subscribe to RSS feeds – Genieo Startpage instantly updates your preferences and personalizes your feed, with total privacy guaranteed.