Remove Genieo from Chrome

Reset home page

  1. Open Chrome Preferences (also called settings)
    Chrome - Menu1

    Or from Settings
    Chrome - Menu2
  2. In the Start Up section click the Set Pages link.
    Chrome - SU
  3. In the box that opens, type in or paste any URL to a website you want to set as your new home page – then click OK
    Chrome - SUd
  4. Do the same in the Appearance section. Click the Change link and past the URL again and click OK
    Chrome - HP

    Chrome - HPd

Reset default search provider

  1. Open Chrome Preferences
  2. In The Search section click the Manage Search Engines button
    Chrome - DSP
  3. In the window that opens, choose the Search Engine you prefer and click the Make Default button – then click Done
    Chrome - DSPd