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Genieo Live Events | Genieo - A newspaper styled startpage

Genieo Live Events

The World Cup games offered us a great opportunity to use one of Genieo’s unique features –

Live Events Updates

Live Events Updates stream real-time updates from ongoing events you follow, such as sport matches and developing news events, as they unfold.

We would like to share with you the personal experience of one our biggest fans, Mr. Pascal LeBlanc, using Genieo during the England Vs. Germany controversial match.

Genieo Your RSS News Reader
Top news headlines directly on your homepage
Genieo automatically connects to your favourite news portals and continuously updates your homepage with top news headlines.
Only the information you want
Genieo is always on the lookout across the web, for items you may find interesting. Based on the analysis of your choices and preferences, the Mini Topic Filtering System sifts through all the information at the highest resolution, and brings you only items which are relevant to you exclusively.
Highlights from your Facebook and twitter contacts
Genieo will filter by your preferred topics of interests, new posts and twits published by your favorite friends on Facebook and Twitter, and insert them right into your Homepage.
Live updates
Genieo streams real-time updates from ongoing events you follow, such as developing events on the news, Scores of sports matches, Stock Market information and more.

After registering with Genieo Newspaper Widget you'll need to install Genieo Homepage on your desktop:
Install Genieo
Simply follow the installation wizard.
Genieo creates your profile
Allow Genieo some 20 minutes to create your profile and generate your personal homepage.
Genieo will stream news into your newspaper widget, based on your profile
Your free personal news aggregator
Top news headlines directly on your homepage
Genieo automatically connects to your favourite news portals and continuously updates your homepage with top news headlines.
Highlights from your Facebook and twitter contacts
Genieo will filter by your preferred topics of interests, new posts and twits published by your favorite friends on Facebook and Twitter, and insert them right into your Homepage.
Dynamic tracking of your interests
Genieo will continuously follow your interests as you browse, learning and adapting to your topic preferences as they form, change and become more specific, and consequently will provide you with the most accurate results in terms of your interests. In addition, Genieo provides you with options to manage your preferences in order to further refine the accuracy of the results received.
Auto bookmark management
Genieo will automatically bookmark your favourite sites as you visit them, and manage these bookmarks in accordance with the level of interest you express in them, without interfering with your browser's bookmarking system. You will be able to access and manage your bookmarks directly on your home page.
Only the information you want
Genieo is always on the lookout across the web, for items you may find interesting. Based on the analysis of your choices and preferences, the Mini Topic Filtering System sifts through all the information at the highest resolution, and brings you only items which are relevant to you exclusively.
Live updates
Genieo streams real-time updates from ongoing events you follow, such as developing events on the news, Scores of sports matches, Stock Market information and more.
Genieo will notify you as to special new updates to your home page, by sliding in a small message at the lower right corner of your screen, briefly informing you of the added item.
Click and Share
Share items from your homepage with your favourite networking community, with a press of a button.
Start using Genieo today
Install Genieo
Simply follow the installation wizard.
Genieo creates your profile
Allow Genieo some 20 minutes to create your profile and generate your personal homepage.
Take on the Genieo experience
Open your browser on your newly created personal homepage, and explore your interests through the unique features offered by Genieo.
Stay on tune with us
Your free personal news aggregator
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